Diocese of Portsmouth

News Stories

  • New Archdeacon role for the Rev Allie Kerr

    The Rev Allie Kerr, currently vicar of St Cuthbert and St Aidan, Copnor, has been appointed as the new Archdeacon of Bromley and Bexley – in the Diocese of Rochester. Allie, who until recently was also acting Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight, is likely to be licensed towards the end of April. Read more

  • Trees planted outside Portsmouth church

    Worshippers at Church of the Resurrection, Farlington, planted trees outside their building as one way of showing their commitment to the environment. The leader of Portsmouth City Council, Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson, joined them to plant the first tree. Read more

  • Talented musicians help us to worship God

    Worship groups across our diocese use a variety of musical styles to help our congregations engage spiritually. We talk to some of the worship leaders about what they do to encourage us to praise God. Read more

  • Royal honour for cathedral pioneer

    HM the King has honoured Rosemary Fairfax from our cathedral with a British Empire Medal. The announcement came as part of his first New Year’s Honours list. Rosemary has been involved with our cathedral for almost 40 years as a staff member and volunteer. Read more

  • Churches host myriad of carol services

    Our churches celebrated the birth of Jesus with a myriad of Nativities, crib services, carol services and Christmas celebrations. Worshippers remembered afresh the amazing news of the incarnation – the idea that Almighty God came to Earth to live as a human, starting as a vulnerable baby. Bishop Jonathan has also shared his Christmas message for 2022 with our diocese. Read more

  • Volunteers to deliver turkeys by e-bike

    Pioneers and volunteers will deliver turkeys to those in need on Hayling Island by e-bike. It’s part of a scheme run by the Good Neighbours Network, which is based in our diocesan office and supports more than 100 voluntary care groups across Hampshire. Read more

  • Thousands flock to our Christmas tree festivals

    Thousands of visitors have streamed into our churches to enjoy Christmas tree festivals. Churches in Gosport, Copnor, Locks Heath and Cowes - among others - have showcased dozens of decorated Christmas trees, often donated by local businesses and charities. There has also been live music and seasonal refreshments. Read more

  • Christmas panto brings our community together

    Amateur actors from the Leigh Park and Warren Park Community Players presented ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ for four performances in December. Their Christmas production was the latest in a series of annual pantos that have helped to bond members of the local community together. A cast of almost 50 actors and backstage crew performed for an audience of around 400 people in St Clare’s Church, Warren Park Read more

  • New Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight appointed

    Bishop Jonathan has appointed the Rev Steve Daughtery as the new Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight. Steve, who is currently area dean and vicar of Holy Trinity, Bembridge, will combine his parish and archdeacon's jobs. He will be licensed in our cathedral at the end of January. Read more

  • Ryde pupils prove themselves to be global citizens

    Pupils from Oakfield C of E Primary School in Ryde have shown they have what it takes to be global citizens. They’ve worked hard on projects such as recycling, beach cleans and welcoming Ukrainian refugees. Read more

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