Diocese of Portsmouth

News Stories

  • New pioneer minister in Gosport

    Matt Gatt has been appointed as Pioneer Minster in the parish of South Gosport. He’ll be based at St John’s Church, Forton, with the plan to reestablish a worshipping community there, as well as working with young adults and creatives in the area. Read more

  • Senior teacher among those being ordained

    Senior teacher Clare King fitted in her ordination training around a busy job leading a school department. Now she’s one of seven people preparing to be ordained by Bishop Jonathan at our Michaelmas ordination service on September 30. She’ll be serving in Holy Trinity Church, Bembridge, where she’s already part of the congregation. Read more

  • Island school welcomes Bishop Jonathan

    Bishop Jonathan met staff and pupils on a visit to The Bay C of E School in Sandown, on the Isle of Wight. He was given a tour of the secondary school site and was quizzed by pupils on a variety of subjects. Read more

  • Church celebrates first baptisms by immersion

    Hope Church, Whiteley, celebrated their first ever baptisms by immersion over the summer. Three children, one young person and one adult were baptised in a paddling pool outside Cornerstone C of E Primary School, where the church now meets regularly. Among those baptised by the vicar, the Rev Amy Adeniran, was her own daughter, Talitha, aged six. Read more

  • Archbishop to visit our diocese for three days

    The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will visit our diocese for three days in October. His focus will be on mission, sharing the good news of Jesus and visiting churches, schools and communities across south-east Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. He'll be visiting over the weekend of October 13-15, spending one day and night on the Isle of Wight and two days on the mainland. Read more

  • Bishop appoints new team vicar for Ryde

    Bishop Jonathan has appointed the Rev David Morgan as the new team vicar for Ryde. The new benefice will consist of five churches – All Saints, St John’s, St Michael’s in Ryde, as well as Holy Cross, Binstead, and St Peter’s, Havenstreet. David will be primarily responsible for traditional worship in these parishes as part of a wider team Read more

  • The team who keep Rowner’s churchyard looking beautiful

    This is the team who help to keep the churchyard and church grounds beautiful at St Mary the Virgin, Rowner. The men and women of ‘Eden’ volunteer to mow grass, pull out weeds, creosote fences and keep graves tidy. Some are members of the congregation, some have friends or family buried in the churchyard. They also support each other, and those who come to grieve. Read more

  • Teenagers deepen discipleship on summer trip

    Eleven to 18-year-olds from across our diocese spent five days on a summer residential organised by the team behind their High Tide youth services. They enjoyed mountain-biking, archery, baking and pottery, plus a murder mystery, water slide, paint party and silent disco. And there were regular sessions of worship, prayer and discussion based on the Christmas, Easter and Pentecost stories. Read more

  • New priest for Buriton is actor, author and therapist

    The new self-supporting priest who will be working at St Mary’s Church, Buriton, has trained as a mental health nurse, a psychotherapist, an actor and for ordination. The Rev Andre Radmall was ordained in 2008 and was part of a Fresh Expressions house church, and now runs a business coaching network. He has written books on addiction and well-being, has acted on stage and in film, and has hosted podcasts. Read more

  • Young pilgrims enjoy trip to Taizé

    Young adults from across our diocese spent a week with thousands of others across the world at the ecumenical Taizé Community in France. They experienced reflective worship, community living and prayer in a pilgrimage led by Bishop Jonathan. Read more

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