Diocese of Portsmouth

News Stories

  • Gosport worshippers help to feed the needy this Christmas

    Worshippers from Holy Trinity Church, Gosport, will be helping to feed needy families this Christmas after donating to a local project. Crisis Food Gosport has been collecting and handing out food since the start of lockdown, and will be putting together special hampers for Christmas Read more

  • Ten-year-old donates hair to charity

    Ten-year-old Rebecca Patis had her hair cut for charity - donating her long locks to a charity that helps to create wigs, as well as raising funds through sponsorship. The Hart Plain Church worshipper can't wait to show off her new look to friends. Read more

  • Cathedral to host Remembrance Sunday service

    Our cathedral will host a Remembrance Sunday service, which will be live-streamed to all. Other churches around the diocese will also offer digital Remembrance Sunday worship as we remember the sacrifices made by others to preserve our freedom Read more

  • ‘Lollipop lady’ chalks up 25 years

    A Gosport woman who works as a school crossing patrol outside a Leesland school has marked 25 years in the role. Bridget Bathe has served the community as ‘lollipop lady’ outside Leesland C of E Infant School for a quarter of a century. Read more

  • Mothers’ Union members show care for parents

    Members of the Mothers’ Union in Shedfield and Wickham showed their care for parents whose children were starting term at two local schools. They provided ‘Bags of Love’, which included treats for those dropping off their children at the reception classes in Wickham and Shedfield schools. Read more

  • Bishop responds to IICSA report

    Bishop Christopher has responded to the national report by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, which has published its report into the Church of England Read more

  • Cancer didn’t stop me fulfilling vocation

    When Mandy Hollingsworth was diagnosed with cancer halfway through her training to become a Reader, she didn’t panic. God had been alongside her in difficult situations before, and he would be there again. She’s now preparing to be licensed as a Reader, to serve at St Mary's Church, in Fratton. Read more

  • City-wide Harvest campaign will feed the needy

    Christians from across the city of Portsmouth are launching a Harvest campaign to help feed those in need this autumn. Churches, schools and libraries will be collecting donations from churchgoers and non-churchgoers to help vulnerable families, the homeless, those who have suffered domestic abuse and asylum seekers. Read more

  • PHOTOS: Prayers at the foundations of new school

    Bishop Christopher led a short, socially-distanced service of prayer at the foundations of the new Cornerstone C of E Primary School site in Whiteley. He was joined by Rev Philippa Mills, vicar of Whiteley Church, as well as local councillors, school governors and teachers, representatives of Midas Group, the construction company, and local MP Flick Drummond. Read more

  • Bishop to pray over foundations of new school

    Bishop Christopher will pray over the foundations of a new C of E school being built to cater for hundreds of families who will move into new homes in Whiteley. The prayer will happen on August 25,on the site of the new Cornerstone C of E Primary School. Read more

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