Two new Lay Canons appointed

    2 March 2015

    BISHOP Christopher has announced the appointment of two new Lay Canons for our cathedral.

    Both are active members of their own parish churches and have also made significant contributions to the life of the wider diocese in support of ministry for mission in parishes.

    Margaret Chappell is churchwarden of St Peter and St Paul, Fareham and has made a significant contribution to the wellbeing of children and vulnerable people through her service on the Diocesan Safeguarding Panel.

    In these voluntary capacities, she has worked tirelessly for effective parish ministry, helping to sustain the life of her own parish during long periods without a parish priest while actively supporting collaboration with neighbouring parishes in the deanery. Alongside other professionals on the Safeguarding Panel, she contributes to good practice by the diocese and parishes in support of children, young people and vulnerable adults.

    Neil Pugmire has been Diocesan Communications Adviser for almost 15 years. As well as being an active member of his parish, Neil brings his profession as a journalist and his faith as a Christian into his service of the diocese, its parishes and chaplaincies.

    He edits Pompey Chimes, the Portsmouth Diocese monthly newspaper, with a  circulation of 8,000 and oversees the website Less visibly he has advised parishes and the bishop on media relations and on how to communicate the message of the gospel creatively, helping to make better use of opportunities for outreach and in social media.

    The two new Lay Canons will be installed during Evensong, at 6pm on Sunday 15th March. 

    Lay Canons are appointed by the bishop to mark years of faithful service within the diocese. They are installed alongside clerical Canons and act as ambassadors for the cathedral in the wider community.