[Holy Rood Church worship team] We can advise on all styles of music and worship
We can advise on all styles of music and worship

Worship and Music

Worship is a vital part of what do as Christians, and music is an important part of our worship.

In common with the rest of The Church of England, our own parish churches embrace a broad range of musical styles, resources and traditions in regular worship, from choral to charismatic, from traditional to pioneering, and from individual acts of worship to special events with thousands of people worshipping God together. This can feature instrumentalists, robed choirs, cantors, worship bands and mixtures of all. Our common aim to do our best for God and to help inspire our congregations in worship.

The Church of England’s official music agency is The Royal School of Church Music. The RSCM aims to provide local and national support networks to those working as music leaders in our churches. You can access a myriad of resources and events here.

The local Organists Association (PDOA) is able to help find a deputy organist or new post holder – click here for details. You can contact the secretary here.

If you have any queries on provision of music in the diocese, the team at the cathedral may be able to help you, or put you in touch with someone who can. Email here.

If you lead or are part of a worship team that leads contemporary worship you might like to connect with 631 Worship, a network of leaders and teams from our diocese and beyond that provides support, resources and training.

A choir singing

Choir Church

We're hoping to launch a series of Choir Church projects as part of our strategic focus on children and young people. This involves creating brand new choirs, recruited from local schools, which rehearse and perform choral music in school and church settings. Ultimately, these groups may be the core of a new worshipping community. Click here for more details.

Useful links

  • Live streaming
    Some useful advice on setting up equipment and planning for live streaming your services.
  • CCLI
    All churches need to be registered with CCLI when using songs that are copyrighted (anything that has been published in the last 75 years). Their licences cover the use of songs in your church venues and online.
  • One License
    Access to thousands of congregational hymns, songs, and service music from today’s top liturgical music publishers.
  • RSCM
    The RSCM is an independent educational charity whose mission is to ‘promote the study, practice and improvement of music in Christian worship’.
  • WorshipTogether.com
    A resource of new songs, articles and resources
  • Jubilate Hymns
    A resource of hymns, songs, liturgy and prayers
  • Essential Worship
    A resource of new songs and articles
  • Reawaken Hymns
    Giving new life to old hymns
  • We Are Worship
    Old and new songs from Integrity’s Hosanna! and Kingsway
  • Portsmouth & District Organists Association
    For those with an interest in, as well as play, the organ, its construction and its music
  • Choir Church
    A network of projects that aim to create new worshipping communities based on choral music