Children and Young People

We believe children and young people are deeply loved by God and are valuable members of our church communities.

We want to see children and young people:

  • growing in number in our churches as they hear of God’s love
  • growing deeper in faith as disciples of Christ
  • growing as leaders and using their faith to impact others

We care about the spiritual nurture, discipleship and wellbeing of all children and young people and believe that their voice should be heard. We want to encourage, guide and challenge churches to see young people not just as the leaders of tomorrow but as the church of today.

We offer support, training and resources for all those involved in mission and ministry with children (0-11 years), young people (11-18 years) and their families.

We’re here for you!

Growing Faith

Our bishop Bishop Jonathan, has already highlighted that he will prioritise our work with children, young people and young adults. As part of that, he has indicated that our diocese will be involved in a national project that brings together schools churches and households. It is called ‘Growing Faith’, and you can read more about our involvement with it here.

High Tide youth services

High Tide is the name given to regular youth services, activities and holidays that involve church youth groups across our diocese coming together. It’s an ecumenical group, with young people from all denominations worshipping and being discipled alongside each other. 

The High Tide youth leaders also run regular residential holidays. You can read more about High Tide here.

Choir Church

We're hoping to launch a series of Choir Church projects as part of our strategic focus on children and young people. This involves creating brand new choirs, recruited from local schools, which rehearse and perform choral music in school and church settings. Ultimately, these groups may be the core of a new worshipping community. Click here for more details.


Flourish worshipping communities meet in schools or churches, and provide a link between home, school and church. They might be lunchtime discussion groups, or voluntary art and craft sessions with a spiritual theme, or after-school Messy Church. It's a national initiative that was launched by Bishop Jonathan, and is now running in four of our schoools. Details here.