Weddings in the Church of England

Marriage is a gift of God in creation and a means of his grace; it is given that husband and wife may comfort and help each other, living faithfully together in need and in plenty, in sorrow and in joy; it is given that with delight and tenderness they may know each other in love. It is given as the foundation of family life in which children may be born and nurtured in accordance with God’s will, to his praise and glory.

Church Weddings

Church Weddings

Helping you to get married in one of our churches is one of the most exciting things we do. We'd love to find ways to make the experience a really happy one, and our clergy and church staff would love to meet you to talk through your requirements.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to be a churchgoer or even think of yourself as a Christian to get married in church. Click on the link below to have these and other questions answered as you consider a church wedding:


Click the links below to find out more.
(*Please note the following links will take you to a page on the Church of England website

Links for ideas for wedding music

Listen to some of the most popular hymns and songs for church weddings here:

Well-loved music for church weddings

Looking for your local church?

Click here to use your postcode to find out which church you live nearest to and how to make contact:

Same-sex couples

Same sex couples can request special prayers of thanksgiving and blessing to be said for them within a regular church service as a way of celebrating their relationship. There are a variety of prayers which have been approved for use. These are known collectively as the Prayers of Love and Faith. It Is up to individual church ministers as to whether or not they will offer the prayers in their churches. It is not currently possible for same sex couples to get married in an Anglican church.