Organist, Cowplain

    St Wilfrid’s Church, Padnell Road, Cowplain, Waterlooville PO8 8DZ
    023 9226 2544
    25 Feb 2025, 5 p.m.
    11 Mar 2025

    Download Job Description Download Application Form

    To provide organ music for worship services and other church functions including weddings and funerals. The successful applicant will be able to display a good level of musical talent from training and experience, have a thorough working knowledge of the worship services and a theological understanding of church music. The ideal candidate will be able to communicate well and in a friendly manner with the ministry team, and members of the congregation.

    St Wilfrid’s Church current has a 2-manual Makin digital organ.

    The organist will be required to play at the communion service, which is currently at 9am and other services as agreed throughout the year with the line manager.

    The organist will be expected to:

    • Work with the Priest in Charge and Ministry team on the choice of hymns for these services and produce a monthly music list.
    • Be responsible for choosing, rehearsing and playing these items of music on the organ at the relevant church service.
    • Introduce to the congregation new music, hymns and songs when appropriate.
    • Play the organ for all weddings and funerals (Life Events) in the church where such musical accompaniment is requested. St Wilfrid’s church does not have many weddings (2023: 1 wedding service) but when the marriage service happens it is usually on a Saturday. St Wilfrid’s church does not have many funerals (2023: 4 funeral services) at church but when the funeral service happens it is usually during the week (Monday to Friday).
    • For periods of holiday or for other absences the organist will inform the line manager and the church will determine the course of action: this might be to request the services of the retired former organist for such occasions, or to use alternative technology to play the music, or consider the organist’s recommendations of who might play the organ.

    The ideal candidate will be able to communicate well, have a love of music and have heart for serving the church community.

    • Closing date: 25/02/2025
    • Interview date: 11/03/2025
    • If you would like to talk to someone about the job, please contact Rev Chris (Priest-in-Charge of St Wilfrid’s church) by email or telephone 023 9226 2544.

    St Wilfrid's Cowplain

    Padnell Road Cowplain Waterlooville PO8 8DZ, PO8 8DZ

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