Audit Committee Member

    1st Floor, Peninsular House Wharf Road Portsmouth PO2 8HB
    11 Apr 2025, 5 p.m.

    We are looking for locally based experienced Finance professionals to work with us at the Diocese of Portsmouth as independent members of our Audit Committee.

    Why us / You will have the opportunity to:

    • Review and make recommendations to Bishop’s Council (our Trustees) on matters relating to, among others;
    • risk and internal control systems;
    • annual budgets and longer term forecasts;
    • financial control and policy;
    • management reporting;
    • annual statutory accounts;
    • Management/stewardship of resources, external auditors, cashflow;
    • Participate in shaping the future of continued robust financial practice and governance within the Diocese of Portsmouth.

    What you’ll do:

    • Review and recommend the budget as presented by the finance team to the Bishop’s Council (BC), sitting as the Portsmouth Diocesan Board of Finance (PDBF);
    • Review and recommend the acceptance of the Annual Report & Accounts, and Auditors’ Management Letter and Letter of Representation to PDBF;
    • Carry out detailed monitoring and evaluation of key financial information on behalf of the PDBF and BC;
    • Monitor the Diocesan finances with particular reference to risk management, adequacy of internal controls, stewardship of resources and the annual budget and accounts of the Diocese;
    • Review regular financial reports and key performance indicators;
    • Investigate any financial matters within the diocesan accounts as you see fit and make recommendations to the Board following these investigations;
    • Follow up on any financial issues raised by the Diocesan Synod/Bishop’s Council/ Diocesan Deanery Finance Committee (DDFC) or parishes.

    Under delegated authority from Bishop’s Council, the Audit Committee shall consider and approve:

    • Parish loans within existing budgets and policies (up to agreed limits that shall be reviewed by the BC from time to time) and on recommendation of the DDFC;
    • Banking arrangements.

    What we’re looking for:

    • Experience of operating at a senior level within finance teams;
    • The ability to read, understand and scrutinise budgets, cashflow forecasts, management account reports and annual reports is fundamental to this role;
    • An understanding or background in Charity or NGO would be beneficial (but not essential);
    • Any understanding of the operational aspects of the Diocese would be a welcome bonus (but not essential);
    • At least one of the independent members should have experience with Risk Registers and controls.

    These are non-remunerated positions, however reasonable expenses will be re-imbursed.

    The Audit Committee meets at least quarterly, with the possibility of additional meetings should the budget or audit processes require further review.

    Meetings are generally online and currently held late afternoon, but timings would be flexible to accommodate members.

    Please send expressions of interest, detailing your background and suitability to the role, to Rachel Fox-Muscat by April 11.