How to support IDWAL financially
IDWAL works financially at three levels:
- Parishes and schools in our Diocese raise funds for parish and school projects in Ghana and Nigeria.
- Deaneries in our Diocese raise funds for Diocesan projects in Ghana and Nigeria.
- Our Diocesan Committee aims to raise about £5000 a year. From this income, we:
- Provide travel grants for visitors from West Africa.
- Support institutions which benefit the Church in Ghana as a whole, like St. Nicholas Anglican Seminary, Cape Coast.
- Finance an annual visit to Ghana by our Chair.
- Provide travel and medical insurance for visitors from the UK to West Africa.
The Diocesan Committee receives no funds through the Diocesan Budget. All income generated from gifts from parishes and friends. If you would like to make a gift, please send a cheque to Portsmouth Diocesan Board of Finance (PDBF) and write IDWAL on the reverse and send to:
Alan Hoad
Hon. Treasurer (IDWAL)
105, St. Mary’s Road,
Hayling Island
PO11 9DD
The Diocesan Office administers IDWAL funds on behalf of the Diocesan Committee.