Spiritual Abuse Training

The Diocese of Portsmouth have produced a document called ‘Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Spiritual Abuse’ which reflects the spiritual abuse guidance published by the National Church of England. The National Guidance can be found in the Church of England e-learning manual, Section 2 (Spiritual Abuse) and the local guidance for the Diocese of Portsmouth can be found by clicking here
To support implementation of this guidance a local training model has been developed. Our diocesan approach to training in spiritual abuse is based on 3 distinct levels which are matched to the learning needs of clergy and volunteers in specific roles. Below are details of the 3 levels and who each level is aimed at.
Level 1: Basic Awareness (1 hour via Zoom)
- What is Spiritual Abuse?
- How to recognise it?
- Understanding the impact
- What to do if you have a concern
Target Participants
- Any church officers or members who are interested.
- PCC members
Level 2: Managing Spiritual Abuse Allegations (2 hours via Zoom)
- Incorporates level 1 above
- The process for managing allegations of spiritual abuse
- How to prevent it
Target Participants
- Parish Safeguarding Officers
- Church wardens
- Children & Young People Leaders
- Anna Chaplains
Level 3: Leading, Managing and Preventing Spiritual Abuse (1 day, in person)
- Incorporates levels 1 and 2 above
- How to support those using poor behaviours
- How to support those affected by poor behaviours
- Getting the right culture
- Managing conflict
- Justice and reconciliation
- Self-care
- Supervision and reflection
Target Participants
- Clergy
- Curates
- Readers/LLM
- Spiritual Directors
- Chaplains
- Archdeacons
- Diocesan Safeguarding Team
Church of England Spiritual Abuse and Healthy Culture 2025
You can also book onto Church of England commissioned Spiritual Abuse and Healthy Culture training by clicking here
This course will explore issues of Spiritual Abuse: Coercion and Control within Christian organisations and communities alongside building Healthy Christian Culture.