Leadership Training

Before enrolling on this course please refer to our training matrix here to check whether you need to complete this training.

This programme is designed for people who play a lead role in shaping the culture of the church body concerned. It involves pre-course workbooks which MUST be submitted ahead of attendance. The course provides an opportunity to develop your safeguarding skill set, reflect on the safeguarding culture in your own setting and identify potential areas for development.

This training course is split into either two 90 minute sessions or 1 longer session

Course handbooks setting out these arrangements will be emailed to you 2 weeks before your booked session/s – (if you do not receive a handbook, please check your spam/junk folder before contacting safeguarding.admin@portsmouth.anglican.org

Completion of the Basic Awareness and Foundation modules are a pre-requisite of attendance. These can be found by clicking here

Below are the dates for the first half of 2025.  Please click on the module number to book a place.

For Module 58 please log into your Church of England portal account before clicking on the module number and then enrol in the training

SGL/058 23/1/2025 23/1/2025 10.30-3pm Thurs St Marks, Wootton
PO33 4RA
SGL/059 4/2/2025 11/2/2025 11-12.30 Tues St Wilfrids, Cowplain
SGL/060 20/2/2025 27/2/2025 7-8.30pm Thurs Zoom
SGL/061 10/3/2025 10/3/2025 10.30 – 3pm Mon Stubbington, Holy Rood
PO14 2AS
SGL/062 2/4/2025 9/4/2024 2-3.30pm Weds Portsmouth
Venue tbc
SGL/063 15/5/2025 22/5/2025 6-7.30pm Thurs Zoom
SGL/064 10/6/2025 10/6/2025 10.30 – 3pm Tues Portsdown
Venue tbc
SGL/065 8/7/2025 15/7/2025 2-3.30pm Tues Zoom
SGL/066 25/06/2025 25/06/2025 10.30 – 3pm Weds St Peter's Church, Petersfield,
GU32 3HS