Safeguarding Training
The Portsmouth Diocese is committed to ensuring that all church officers are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities and have the core skills and knowledge to protect children and/or adults from harm.
The Church of England Safeguarding Learning & Development Framework 2021 sets out the expectations and requirements for safeguarding training for all ordained and lay church officers within the diocese, whether they are paid or unpaid.
Please click here to read the Diocese of Portsmouth Safeguarding Learning & Developement Strategy for 2022-2024
The Safeguarding Team have produced a training matrix to indicate the training required by the Diocese of Portsmouth for specific roles.
Please click here to identify the training you require for your role before choosing the appropriate tile below.
Please click on a box below to book a place on the relevant training or access the e-learning modules. To see all training available to book on please click here
Please click here for for advice on how to register with the Church of England e-learning portal and here for instructions on how to reset your password if you have forgotten it.
Attendance at training - can I bring someone with me?
Safeguarding training is a requirement for a wide range of roles across our Diocese, and includes sensitive content that may provoke an emotional response. During safeguarding training, participants may wish to share personal experiences of a confidential nature. For these reasons, we do not normally allow participants to bring anyone else (adult or child) along with them to safeguarding training sessions. For those potential participants with a supporter or carer, adjustments to this arrangement can be made. Please do not turn up to training with someone else unless you have first discussed and agreed this with the Diocesan Safeguarding Trainer. Please contact Julia Barton via: julia.barton@portsmouth.anglican.org to arrange a discussion and agree an arrangement for your individual needs.
Co-Trainers Appointment Process
If you would like to support Julia with the delivery of safeguarding training please click here for information. This may be of particular interest to those with education/safeguarding experience.