Parish safeguarding officer Val Strutt at St Wilfrid's Church, Cowplain

Parish Safeguarding

Parish safeguarding officers

We have a network of volunteer safeguarding officers in our parishes, who play a vital role in helping to keep our children, young people and vulnerable adults as safe as possible. Their role includes safely recruiting volunteers for church activities, ensuring that safeguarding training is up-to-date for paid workers and volunteers in their parish, and dealing with any safeguarding issues that arise.

They also liaise directly with our diocesan safeguarding advisers, each of whom has a geographical 'patch' that they cover. Our diocesan safeguarding advisers make a point of liaising directly with parish safeguarding officers, so they get a clear picture of what is happening in each parish.

Our diocese's policy is that every parish should have its own parish safeguarding officer (PSO). A full induction programme and ongoing training is provided. Some of the resources are below.

Parish safeguarding resources

For new and existing Parish Safeguarding Officers, click below for 'induction' resources - those resources you may need as you start or continue this role: