Parish Websites
Our diocese offers parishes the chance to have a significant presence on the internet without necessarily needing any specialist skills. We provide parishes with webspace and with a design template using powerful Wordpress software. That means those who update the pages don’t need to understand the technology behind it – they enter text and photos and they appear in a pre-arranged design.
One of the main advantages of using Wordpress is that such sites can be responsive – that is, they automatically re-size to look good on mobile phone and tablets. As more and more people are accessing websites through such devices, this is vital.
We already host 30 or so parish websites on our diocesan webspace. Parishes can choose to do their own thing in that webspace, or we can supply them with a domain name, Wordpress templates, training in how to use the software, and ongoing support afterwards.
Some of those websites are listed below, so you can check what they look like, and see if you would like something similar:
Please contact the Communications team if you would like more information about joining our community. It costs approximately £200pa for our diocese to host your website, provide you with a domain name (a website address), provide a choice between four different designs, offer training to those who will edit the site, and to have a troubleshooter available to help you with any problems 24/7.
- Tips for parish webmasters
- Guidelines on writing for the web – a document produced by the national C of E.