Parish Support
All staff listed below are based at the Diocesan Offices, at the following address:
First Floor, Peninsular House, Wharf Road, Portsmouth PO2 8HB.
Parish Support Team Administrator
Helena Dobbs
Oversees our office reception and first point of contact, as well as administrative support, for the Parish Support team.
T: 023 9289 9650
E: email
Stewardship Adviser
Chris Parker
Promotion of stewardship across all the diocese, advice and support to parishes and deaneries on effective Christian stewardship and support, advice and training for parish and deanery officers on their financial responsibilities.
T: 023 9289 9669
M: 07392 087565
E: email
DAC Secretary
This post is shared between two part-time members of staff: Catherine Gray and David Cain. They both act as DAC Secretary and Church Buildings Development Officers.
Catherine Gray | David Cain |
T: 023 9289 9687
E: email
Buildings Officer, Isle of Wight
Kevin Norton
Advising parishes on the Isle of Wight about their church buildings.
E: email
Synod & Office Services Support Manager/Electoral Roll Officer
Jane Dobbs
Provides administrative support for Synod, clergy stipends, pastoral schemes and the Diocesan Finance Committee; assists the Diocesan Secretary in organising the administration associated with clergy deployment and acts as the Electoral Registration Officer.
T: 023 9289 9661
E: email
Net Zero Carbon Programme Manager
Steve Collins
Funded by the National Church Office, and working across the dioceses of Portsmouth, Chichester and Guildford, Steve provides strategic support to the implementation of our NZC plan, including ensuring opportunities are maximised for shared working and learning.
T: 01483 790326
E: email
Diocesan Environment Officer
David Cain
Helping parishes to measure their carbon consumption, and gain access to grants, advice and support that can help churches to reduce their reliance on carbon consumption.
T: 023 9289 9687
E: email
Communications & Net Zero Carbon Support Officer
Matt Lockwood
Working with the DEO and NZC Programme Manger to support parishes with engaging in projects and initiatives to become carbon neutral.
T: 023 9289 9675
E: email
Diocesan Registrar Team
The Diocesan Registry team are based at Batt Broadbent Solicitors, and look forward to hearing from you. The Registrar’s annual fee covers legal advice to clergy, churchwardens and other church office holders in connection with their office. You can contact the team directly and without charge on 01722 432390, or by email.
The Registry team consists of:
- Sue de Candole, Joint Registrar, a solicitor and partner;
- Rev Gavin Foster, Joint Registrar, a barrister;
- Sarah Hart, the Senior Registry Clerk;
- Abi Willerton, Registry Clerk, and
- Anita Jeans, Registry Clerk.
The team are able to answer many straightforward questions over the phone or by email, or to work with you on more complex matters. If the advice you require isn’t covered by the annual fee, they will try to point you in the right direction to get the advice you need.