The Parish Giving Scheme
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a highly efficient and well developed system to help local churches manage and develop their planned giving.

What is the Parish Giving Scheme?
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is an established service for managing One-off and Direct Debit giving, designed to support churches to fund their mission and ministry.
The service is freely available to all parishes in the Diocese of Portsmouth, their churches and donors. Uptake is growing every year, with the majority of dioceses in the Church of England – and many of their parishes – now members of PGS and experiencing the benefits. You can use link below to discover whether your church is already in the scheme.
The PGS makes it possible for givers to:
- Give One-off amounts by Credit/Debit cards and Apple/Google pay wallets
- Give monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct Debit
- Sign up to inflation-linked giving annually
- Enhance their gift to your church by having Gift Aid at 25% added to their giving
- Give securely and donate anonymously, if they prefer