News Stories

  • Bishop unveils our vision and strategy

    Bishop Jonathan unveiled our diocese’s vision and strategy to members of Diocesan Synod, with the help of the Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight and our strategy programme manager. Read more

  • New Fareham vicar is a church-planter

    Bishop Jonathan has appointed the Rev Henry Kendal as the new vicar of St John’s Church, Fareham. Henry was vicar at St Barnabas, Woodside Park, in London, until 2022. In his 23 years at the church, they planted six new congregations. Read more

  • New clergy chosen to lead Ryde project

    Bishop Jonathan has appointed two new clergy to lead the project to help revitalise our churches in Ryde. The Rev Heath Monaghan will become team rector of the five churches in Ryde and the Rev Olly Mitchelmore will become team vicar. They’ll help to lead the project that aims to create brand new congregations and to help the existing congregations to engage with their local community. Read more

  • Funding boost to develop island churches

    Church of England parishes in the Isle of Wight have been given extra funding in a broad initiative to support and develop their congregations. A five-year, £2.7m project aims to plant a new congregation in Ryde, whilst equipping existing ones to have more engagement with schools and explore new ways to serve the local community. The national Church of England has announced that it will invest more than £1.2m of its strategic funds in the project. The other £1.5m would come from the Diocese of Portsmouth to fund clergy positions.
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  • Conference inspires parishes in mission

    Clergy and lay leaders from across our diocese came together for a day conference on growth. They took part in a conference on ‘Leading Your Church Into Growth’ (LYCIG), held at St George’s Church, Portsea. Canon Robin Gamble, director of LYCIG led the session, which helped parishes think about practical ways to develop their mission and outreach. Read more

  • Bishop launches annual pilgrimage to Taizé

    Bishop Jonathan is launching an annual pilgrimage for young people to the Taizé Community in France. It's a place that has helped to shape his spirituality, and he'd love to see a new generation experiencing something similar. It offers a combination of intensive Bible study, uplifting worship, practical service and living in community with Christians from across the globe. Read more

  • Anna Chaplaincy celebrated at cathedral

    Anna Chaplains across our diocese gathered at the cathedral for our first celebration of Anna Chaplaincy. The cathedral hosted an afternoon session of networking and training, followed by a celebration of this ministry at a Candlemas service. Bishop Jonathan was among those celebrating this important work of spiritual development in older people in our local communities. Read more

  • Anna Chaplaincy takes off on island

    One of our bishop’s priorities is to provide practical and spiritual support for the more elderly members of our communities via Anna Chaplaincy. This will involve a network of Anna Chaplains working in parishes, benefices and clusters across south-east Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. The first of our Anna Chaplains to be commissioned, Anne Powell, is already going into care homes and visiting individuals at home. Read more

  • First Anna Chaplain licensed on the mainland

    The first of a network of Anna Chaplains to minister to older people has been commissioned on the mainland. Dr Coleen Jackson, who was already a Reader, was licensed as an Anna Chaplain by Bishop Jonathan, who has already announced his desire for an Anna Chaplain to serve in every parish, benefice or cluster of our diocese. Former Meridian TV presenter Debbie Thrower, who created Anna Chaplaincy in Alton, preached during the service at St Michael's Church, Chalton. Read more

  • Bishop offers us roadmap for 2022

    Bishop Jonathan outlined his thoughts about the future of our diocese - and offered us a roadmap to help us to negotiate the rest of 2022. He was speaking to our Diocesan Synod, which welcomed his emphasis on building renewed confidence in Jesus Christ. Read more

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