Diocese of Portsmouth

News Stories

  • Historic building transformed into community hub

    Villagers and churchgoers transformed their historic church building in an ambitious project to create a new hub for their community. St Mary and All Angels, Droxford, completed their building work and launched their new cafe at the start of 2020. Despite having to close at various points because of the pandemic, it has already proved to be a hit with villagers, ramblers and cyclists - bringing new life to the church building. Read more

  • Families at heart of relaunch of Gosport church

    Dozens of families will be at the heart of the relaunch of a Gosport church. Christ Church in Stoke Road, Gosport, will launch with a new team inside a refurbished building in the week from September 6-12. The launch week includes a spectacular show for schoolchildren, civic reception, gig night, fun day and a launch service. Read more

  • New font created as church meets in school

    The congregation at St John’s Church, Ryde, are meeting in Oakfield C of E Primary School for services at the moment because their church building is being repaired. They wanted to be able to host baptism services, but the school has no font. They decided to work alongside pupils from the school to create a new font, and the first child was baptised in the newly-created font this month. Read more

  • Heritage of the ‘little church in the field’ celebrated

    A unique partnership will give a new lease of life to St Hubert’s Church, Idsworth – the little church in the field that is visible from the Havant to Portsmouth railway line. Read more

  • Church for seniors that meets in a pub

    It might not look like a church, but these older people meet in a pub for their regular dose of teaching about faith, fellowship and spirituality. 'Oasis' is the name given to this Fresh Expression of Church which is part of St Mary Magdalen Sheet. It was launched four years ago to reach those who might not ordinarily attend regular church services Read more

  • 1,000 years of church history celebrated

    A major project to create an embroidery to mark the 1,000th anniversary of Corhampton Church has been completed. The project was begun with schoolchildren ahead of the Covid pandemic. It's part of a series of celebrations to mark this significant anniversary. Read more

  • Transformed church opens cafe and soft play area

    St Margaret’s Church in Southsea has been celebrating a radical transformation that has seen it open a cafe and soft play area, alongside its existing community shop and Foodbank. It has been an amazing journey for the building, which was almost beyond repair in 2015. But the vision of a small team from St Jude’s Church to make St Margaret’s into a thriving hub for the local community has attracted funding, volunteers and worshippers Read more

  • Conference was catalyst for calling

    Karen Crowhurst was on a diocesan conference about mission when she was asked - out of the blue - if she had ever considered becoming a Reader, or lay minister. She's now being licensed as a Reader in our cathedral. Read more

  • New pioneer minister fulfils lifelong ambition

    Heath Monaghan has wanted to be a church minister since the age of 13. His lifelong ambition will finally be fulfilled on Saturday when he is ordained as a pioneer minister for our diocese. His new role will mean he is focussed on creating new worshipping communities for those who don't tend to engage with church Read more

  • ‘I only found out I was dyslexic when I started ordination training’

    It was only when Rajiv Sidhu started training to be a vicar that he discovered he was dyslexic. He’d previously worked as a teacher for 10 years without any issues. Now he’s completed his ordination training and is preparing to be ordained as a deacon with six others at our cathedral. Read more

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