Diocese of Portsmouth

News Stories

  • Historic organ dedicated after restoration project

    Bishop Jonathan dedicated the restored historic organ at St Mary’s Church, Fratton, in a special service. It was part of a week of events to celebrate the restoration of the Victorian organ, which included schools workshops, dance sessions, worship and recitals. Read more

  • ‘Bringing RE alive is such a privilege’ says island teacher

    Beth Feltham is head of RE at the Bay C of E School in Sandown on the Isle of Wight. She explains why she feels called to help bring the subject alive to pupils at her school. Read more

  • Portchester youth leaders share tips

    St Mary’s Church in Portchester runs two separate youth groups on a Friday night, and also engages with the families of those young people who attend. The leaders share their advice about what works and what doesn’t in their context – in case that helps other parishes as they seek to reach out to teenagers. Read more

  • Ordination beckons for mum, despite doubts

    Mum Emma Andersen will be ordained this summer, despite assuming that God will shut the door before she gets there! Emma was so sure that God would say 'no' to the idea of her being a church minister, but she will be one of six people being ordained as deacon by our bishop on July 2. Read more

  • Hundreds of pupils mark the end of church school

    Year 6 pupils from church schools across the diocese are attending workshops and worship in our cathedral to mark the end of their primary school career. The children took part in workshops that echoed our diocese’s Ten Ten project to encourage ‘life in all its fullness’ during this academic year - taken from John 10:10. Read more

  • Anniversary service recalls those who died in Falklands

    We remembered those who died liberating the Falkland Islands 40 years ago. The ceremony to unveil and dedicate a memorial plaque in Old Portsmouth was followed by a moving service in our cathedral, during which the names of all those who died were read out by naval cadets. The special day also saw the Freedom of the City given to all those who served in the Falklands campaign Read more

  • Chaplain who served in Falklands recalls conflict

    Naval chaplain the Rev Godfrey Hilliard was only 30 when he sailed with the naval task force to the Falkland Islands in 1982. He recalls the sense of peace that God gave him as he prepared to offer pastoral support to those on the frontline of war. He’ll also be at our cathedral on June 19 for a service to mark 40 years since the Falklands conflict. Read more

  • Quiet space in churchyard dedicated for Queen’s Jubilee

    An ambitious project to clear an overgrown part of an Isle of Wight churchyard has inspired the creation of a quiet garden and a community mosaic. The project has taken place at St Mary’s Church, Brighstone, and the Olive Garden and Tree of Life mosaic will be dedicated as part of the celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Read more

  • Churches celebrate Jubilee with worship, parties and fun days

    Churches around our diocese marked the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with celebrations of all kinds. There were services of thanksgiving, flower festivals, fun days, fairs and street parties - all to mark the historic achievement by HM the Queen who has been our monarch since 1952. Read more

  • Southsea man honoured by the Queen for feeding the hungry

    The man who leads a group that feeds vulnerable people every Friday has been honoured by HM the Queen. Jim Campbell leads Friday Fridge, the weekly outreach in which those who are homeless, have mental health needs, are isolated or otherwise vulnerable, are welcomed into the church each week for a cafe-style get-together. During the pandemic, the team fed those who came to the church doors every Friday too. Read more

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