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Worshippers help those in need over Christmas
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Worshippers help those in need over Christmas

FAMILIES can pick up pre-loved Christmas gifts for their children for free at an event this week.
Children’s clothes, books, toys and games will all be on offer at ‘Love Preloved’ which takes place at St Luke’s Church in Southsea on Saturday. Parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles can even wrap the presents at church, so they are ready for Christmas.
It’s just one of several ways in which worshippers in our churches will be helping those in need over Christmas.
The event, which takes place between 10am and 12noon on December 14th, was the idea of the Rev Julie Jackson, who is assistant priest at St Luke’s and a mother of two herself.
“I was thinking about how much parents can end up spending over Christmas, and also about how many toys many of us already have in our houses that we’d love to pass on to others,” she said.
“I know we can always take things to charity shops, but there is something great about donating it to a family where you know those things that your children have loved will be loved again by other children.
“I want to reduce the stigma of things being second-hand – it doesn’t matter if they aren’t brand new, so long as the gift is wanted. Hopefully it reduces the cost of Christmas for some people, and it means things can be recycled effectively.
“You don’t have to have donated anything to come along and take whatever you need. It will be separated out into toys, children’s clothes and books, as well as a wrapping paper station, and tea, coffee and cake available.”
St Matthew’s Church in Bridgemary, Gosport, is also holding events at which parents can pick up second-hand Christmas gifts for free. The Gosport and Fareham Toy Exchange happened last weekend, and will also take place on Sunday 15th December, from 12noon until 3pm. It is a free event, and donations would still be welcome.
St Faith’s Church, Lee-on-the-Solent will host a meal for those who might otherwise be on their own on Christmas Day. Volunteers from the local community will cook a full-scale Christmas dinner in the church’s kitchens and serve it to anyone who would like some company.
The festive lunch happens between 11:30am and 2pm. Anyone who would like to come should book in advance on 023 9255 6445 or email. Transport is available to and from the lunch, if needed. Details here.
The vicar, the Rev Paul Chamberlain, said: “We don’t want anyone to be on their own for all of Christmas Day, and this is a brilliant way for people from the local community to host a fun and sociable Christmas Lunch. Our guests love it, and the volunteers do too.”
St Margaret’s Church in Southsea hopes to provide Hampers of Hope for families in need once again this year. The idea is to deliver a Christmas hamper with all the trimmings, full of Christmas treats, including Yule logs, chocolates, selection boxes, stuffing, mince pies and nuts.
Last year, worshippers delivered dozens of such festive hampers in time for Christmas, and this year they’ve doubled their number of hampers they hope to deliver. Donations are still welcome and can be dropped in when the church is open. See stmagscc.uk for details.

Meanwhile churchgoers and members of the community across Portsmouth are once again helping to provide Christmas gifts for homeless people, vulnerable families and asylum seekers.
The ‘Comfort and Joy’ campaign run by Churches Homeless Action has been running for the past 21 years and has raised £210,000 over those years to support those on the margins.
Anyone who would like to donate can buy a gift voucher, perhaps for £5 or £10, place it into a Christmas card, add a personal message on the card, and drop it off at St Faith’s Church, Crasswell Street, Landport, PO1 1HT.
The cards are then distributed to those in need before Christmas via agencies including Two Saints, Stop Domestic Abuse, the Roberts Centre, Sunday Suppers (based at St Simon’s Church, Southsea), Portsmouth City of Sanctuary and Portsmouth Homeless Families Service.
Canon Bob White, who chairs Churches Homeless Action, said: “It’s such a simple scheme, based on a conversation between two people chatting 22 years ago, but it has made such a difference.
“The conversation was about the common factors among those who were homeless, which lie at the heart of the scheme. The first is that the gift of choice is one we take for granted, but which those on the margins often don’t have. The second was that those who are homeless or on the margins are not just a statistic, but are human beings, and in them Christians see the image of God.
“That’s why the scheme has two elements – the gathering of vouchers, so that those who receive them can have the gift of choosing their own present; and the sharing of a Christmas card and personal message, recognising our common humanity.
“The challenges continue to be complex and personal for many. The cost of living situation and the housing shortage are affecting many people’s lives and Christmas for many will not be ‘perfect’ or ‘celebratory’.”
The Christmas cards and vouchers will be handed out to the various agencies involved at a Carol Sing-in, at 12noon in St Mary’s Church in Fratton Road on December 20. So any donations of cards should be made by December 18. Details here.