Visit helps to deepen Stockholm link

    Beyond our diocese
    23 Sept. 2024

    OUR diocese's links with Stockholm have deepened after a three-day visit from our diocese's director of education.

    Jeff Williams represented Bishop Jonathan in Sweden this month, meeting Christians in churches and communities as part of our diocese's links with the Diocese of Stockholm, part of the Lutheran Church of Sweden.

    Among his highlights were leading the action song Incy-Wincy Spider at a missional church in Sweden, teaching an African chorus with actions to a dads and babies group; and meeting hundreds of teenage confirmation candidates at their launch evening.

    His visit there was reciprocating a visit by 32 clergy and parish workers from Hargersten parishes in Stockholm, who came to Portsmouth and enjoyed three days of visits and engagement at a mini-conference hosted by Jeff and supported by a number of our parish and cathedral staff. 

    Relationships were deepened and both Bishop Jonathan and the Bishop of Stockholm wanted to cement and develop the historic link between dioceses which was originally launched by the former Bishop of Portsmouth, the Rt Rev Kenneth Stevenson.

    Jeff Williams (third from left) meets Bishop Andreas Holmberg and senior colleagues in Stockholm
    Jeff spending the day with the bishop and his senior colleagues

    Many online meetings and work on partnership agreements and desired outcomes followed during the subsequent months.

    At the beginning of September, Jeff was invited by the Bishop of Stockholm, Bishop Andreas Holmberg, to work for three days in his diocese. It began with a day with +Andreas and his senior staff, including an evening with him and other senior parish colleagues. Lots of discussion, planning and explorations followed as to how we can be mutually supportive in our different and distinctive contexts in being present, proactive and impactful in our communities and wider society as expressions of Christian influence and commitment.

    Jeff said: "Among the significant moments were the witness of a ground-floor four-room apartment that has been converted to a church community venue on a residential waterfront site. Lunchtime concerts there are a weekly experience for the community, followed by lunch and conversations.

    "To hear a local ‘gymnasium’ (specialist sixth-form) student’s playing of an extended piano jazz version of the Swedish composer’s song How Great Thou Art will rest with me for years, for a whole host of reasons. But importantly, it spoke to me of the relevance and importance of Church being where the people are, rather than anticipating that people will in today’s society automatically and exclusively come to where Church physically exists."

    The future looks exciting for a range of ways in which our diocese can mutually benefit from online and in-person partnerships and learning opportunities. If individuals or parishes in our diocese have historic links with anyone or a parish in Sweden, do contact Jeff here so we can coordinate ways forward. Our Diocesan plan to embed and bless our existing partnership will be developed in the coming months, so any ideas and thoughts are equally welcome.

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