Readers licensed at cathedral service

    2 July 2023

    SATURDAY 1st July saw Bishop Jonathan licensing three new lay ministers at a service in Portsmouth Cathedral.

    Vicky Evans (Hayling Island parishes) and Chris Nicol (Portsmouth Cathedral) were licensed as Readers, and Katie Moritz (Lee-on-the-Solent) was licensed as a Pioneer Minister, accompanied by friends and family. Bishop Jonathan preached on the moment in Genesis 18 where Abraham invites three strangers into his household, providing hospitality and welcome, and likening that to the role of lay ministers to welcome the presence of God into everyday situations.

    Here is a selection of photos from the service.

    Friends and family join the licensing service
    Friends and family join the licensing service
    The readers and pioneer minister are presented with bibles as a licensing gift
    The readers and pioneer minister are presented with bibles as a licensing gift
    Katie Moritz (left) receives a pioneer minister pin, and Chris Nicol and Vicky Evans receive blue Readers stoles, symbols of their new ministry
    Katie Moritz (left) receives a pioneer minister pin, and Chris Nicol and Vicky Evans receive blue Readers stoles, symbols of their new ministry
    The newly-licensed readers and pioneer minister stand with representatives from their sponsoring churches
    The newly-licensed readers and pioneer minister stand with representatives from their sponsoring churches

    In the photo above, the newly-licensed readers and pioneer minister can be seen with representatives from their sponsoring churches. Katie Moritz is with her husband the Rev Mike Moritz, from St Faith’s Church, Lee-on-the-Solent; Chris Nicol is with the Very Rev Anthony Cane, Dean of Portsmouth; and Vicky Evans is with the Rev Jenny Gaffin and the Rev Deborah Curram, from the Hayling Island parishes.

    Guests enjoyed a buffet lunch and drinks after the service
    Guests enjoyed a buffet lunch and drinks after the service

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