Readers licensed at cathedral

    26 Sept. 2022

    BISHOP Jonathan licensed three new Readers at our cathedral on Saturday 24th September, during a service attended by friends, family and other Readers from the diocese.

    The service, filled with hymns and songs led by the cathedral choir and prayers led by Warden of Readers Rev Canon Anthony Rustell, was an opportunity to celebrate the culmination of three years of study for the new Readers, who were all a part of Portsmouth Pathway training. They each go on to ministry in their various parishes, with one also continuing to train for ordination.

    Bishop Jonathan speaking at the Readers licensing service
    Bishop Jonathan speaking at the Readers licensing service
    Rev Peter Hall, Diocesan Director of Vocations and Ordinands, places a Reader’s stole on Tim McIlroy
    Rev Peter Hall, Diocesan Director of Vocations and Ordinands, places a Reader’s stole on Tim McIlroy

    The new Readers are:

    • Lynn Buckle (Hook-with-Warsash)
    • Sue Jones (Steep and Froxfield with Privett)
    • Tim McIlroy (St Mary’s, Portchester)

    As well as being supported by their friends and family, the new Readers were accompanied by their parish incumbents.

    The congregation of friends and family celebrate the licensing of the new Readers
    The congregation of friends and family celebrate the licensing of the new Readers
    The new Readers process out of the cathedral accompanied by their parish incumbents
    The new Readers process out of the cathedral accompanied by their parish incumbents

    Many other Readers from around the diocese attended and were invited to reaffirm their vows to ministry as part of the service. Readers, sometimes called Licensed Lay Ministers, will often take on roles within the parish that are particularly public-facing: preaching, chaplaincy, funerals, pioneer mission, etc. You can read about Reader ministry here. If you feel called to this ministry, do consider Portsmouth Pathway for your training: click here for more information.

    Readers from across the diocese gathered to reaffirm their vows of ministry
    Readers from across the diocese gathered to reaffirm their vows of ministry

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