- Lay and Ordained Ministry
- Mission and Education
- Resources & Strategic Implementation
- Mission and Social Transformation.
- continues to be led by Rev Canon Dr Anthony Rustell, who will also be Warden of Readers;
- continues to include our Diocesan Director of Vocations and Ordinands, and our Dean of Pioneer Ministry;
- will retain an overview of training for clergy and lay ministers, including the Portsmouth Pathway;
- will now include our Safeguarding team, reinforcing the important link between safeguarding and ministry in all its lay and ordained forms;
- The Youth and Children’s Adviser post was made redundant as part of the changes that have taken shape;
- this department will now have one PA rather than two.
- will continue to be led by Jenny Hollingsworth, who will also continue to fulfil the role of Deputy Diocesan Secretary;
- includes our Diocesan Surveyor and the Property Assistant who continue to support the provision and upkeep of our clergy housing;
- includes our Synod and Office Support officer, who will continue to support our work in relation to synodical governance, pastoral schemes, clergy moves, clergy pay as well as support in relation to parochial fees;
- will once again include our two part time Buildings Development Officers who also work as DAC Secretary for the diocese;
- Includes our Receptionist who will now be part time and will continue to process gift aid for those parishes who use the central scheme. She will also support all teams with administrative tasks;
- There will now be two part time PAs to support the Archdeacons; one for the Archdeacons of Portsdown and the Meon; and one for the Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight. This is rather than three posts we had previously;
- The Diocesan Secretary and the Head of Resources and Strategic Implementation will continue to have the support of a PA who has changed responsibilities as a consequence of the restructure.
- will be led by Rev Canon Nick Ralph, who will continue to lead the separate (but linked) charity the Council for Social Responsibility. Nick will also continue to work 50% for Winchester Diocese where he is the Director of Social Enterprise and Engagement;
- The Good Neighbours Network structure has changed, with two roles made redundant as a consequence of the reduced grant funding from Hampshire County Council. The network of groups continues and the support is provided differently by the remaining team;
- The Stewardship Adviser has moved into this team to link this aspect of discipleship not only to mission, but also social impact and engagement. This role will now focus on stewardship and generous giving and as such will be undertaken on reduced hours. Aspects of parish finance support will be provided through an agreement with the Association of Church Accountants and Treasurers. Further details will be circulated to PCC treasurers shortly;
- The Mission Development Officer role remains vacant but will be developed and reshaped and will form part of this team, where there will be a focus on social justice and engagement as part of mission development.
- This department will continue to be led by Diocesan Director of Education, Jeff Williams and the team will continue to serve both Portsmouth and Winchester dioceses, supporting C of E schools across the whole of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight;
- Our Governance Co-ordinator, who helped to recruit and train C of E school governors, and our Schools Buildings Assistant, who helped with building projects in C of E schools, have been made redundant as a result of the changes that have taken shape;
- Our RE Consultant and SIAMS Co-ordinator has seen her hours reduced following changes in national guidelines;
- Our Deputy Director of Education and two Schools Advisers have been given additional responsibilities to reflect the changed situation within the team, and will also be supporting the relationship between parishes and church schools.
- The PA to the Director of Education will now also be PA to the Head of Mission and Social Transformation.
- The finance team underwent a significant review in 2018. That team continues within that structure to work across Winchester and Portsmouth dioceses under the continued leadership of our Finance Director, Lisa Streeter;
- our IT provision continues to be shared between Winchester, Portsmouth and Guildford dioceses;
- Our Communications Adviser and part-time Communications Assistant/Webmaster continue to support communications across our diocese and report directly to the Diocesan Secretary.
11 March 2025
LENT APPEAL: Supporting mission in the global Church
Some of the proceeds from the Bishop’s Lent Appeal this year will go towards the ... read more
6 March 2025
LENT APPEAL: Donations will help those in poverty
Donations from our Bishop’s Lent Appeal this year will go towards the global charity Tearfund. ... read more
5 March 2025
LENT APPEAL: support for women in sex industry
Some of the donations to the Bishop’s Lent Appeal in 2025 will go towards the ... read more
Restructure of diocesan central staff announced

WE have restructured our central staff team to enable them to continue providing support to mission in parishes, as well as support for our schools in the coming period.
The provision is now structured into the following teams:
As part of this re-shape we have reviewed and changed role descriptions for most of the team to reflect our new structure. Some of the team have also agreed to reduce their working hours. Unfortunately, as part of the restructure there were also five redundancies. This was a process which involved difficult decisions and has brought sadness as we have said goodbye to valued colleagues and friends.
As with many organisations, the coronavirus pandemic has impacted diocesan finances - as has been the case for our parishes - and therefore we have had to review and reduce our expenditure. The changes to our structure will enable the diocese to save approximately in the region of £250k per annum in staff costs.
Some posts which became vacant in 2020 due to planned moves or retirements will be held vacant for the time being. This approach will enable the support nature of those roles to be developed in line with the planning at a local level.
The teams within the diocese will continue to work to support the vision under Live | Pray | Serve as we seek to grow in depth, impact and number. The work will be covered as follows: