Daily Prayer Guide
The Daily Prayer Guide is administered by The Rev Canon Peter Kelly, and includes specific prayers from parishes that relate to their current activities.
The purpose of the Daily Prayer Guide is to facilitate regular prayer for all Clergy, Readers and other lay staff in the Diocese.
The Bishop and Senior Staff are included in rotation week by week. Licensed ministers are listed in the places to which they are licensed.
Those who hold the Bishop’s Permission to Officiate (PtO) are listed either in the parish in which they live, or, if they would rather, wherever they most frequently minister.
When ministers officiate in a number of places, they are included in the Prayer Guide only in the one parish which they nominate as their ‘home’ parish.
Retired clergy who do not have PtO are listed separately, on a Sunday when their ‘Deanery Officers’ are listed.
Parish and deanery links facilitated through our Inter Diocesan West Africa Link (IDWAL) are included with details as provided.
When a parish is in vacancy, the churchwardens are included in the prayers.
If you have any suggestions to make about the format of the prayer guide, Peter Kelly would be pleased to hear from you.