Ministry and Discipleship

Interim Director of Ministry and Discipleship

Rev Andrew Hargreaves

Rev Andrew Hargreaves
Leads the work of the Ministry and Discipleship team, and provides consultancy and training for parishes on lay discipleship development. Coordinates Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) for clergy and Licensed Lay Ministers.

P: First Floor, Peninsular House, Wharf Road, Portsmouth PO2 8HB.
T: 07818 574699
E: email

Executive Assistant to the Director of Ministry and Discipleship

Claire Shaw

Claire Shaw
Provides administrative and creative support to the Director of Ministry and Discipleship and his team.

T: 023 9289 9621
E: email

Lead for Revive

Rev Neil Smart

Rev Neil Smart
Leading our diocese’s work in church planting and the development of new worshipping communities.

E: email

Lead for Revitalise

Lead for Renew


Diocesan Children’s, Youth and Families Officer

Heather Powney

Heather Powney
Oversees the work with children, young people and families in our diocese.

T: 023 92 899 612
E: email

Lead for Vocations

Canon Peter Hall

Canon Peter Hall
Responsible for the process of discerning vocations for lay and ordained ministry. Accompanies those called to authorised ministry through selection and initial training.

P: St Philip’s Vicarage, 269 Hawthorn Crescent, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 2TL
T: 023 9221 0283
E: email

Diocesan Adviser for Healing


Chair, Diocesan Liturgy & Worship Advisory Group

Canon Jo Spreadbury

Canon Jo Spreadbury
Chairs this group which provides advice and training for parishes on developing creative and appropriate worship.

P: Cathedral House, St Thomas’s St, Portsmouth PO1 2HA
T: 023 9282 3300
E: email