

The season of Lent lasts for forty days (not including Sundays). It is a time when Christians reflect and prepare for the celebrations of Easter. Some people fast, eat frugally or give up treats following the example of Jesus, who fasted for forty days in the wilderness.

People also give to charity, set aside time to study the Bible and meet with other Christians to reflect on Jesus’ life and prepare for the events of Holy Week and Easter. The national Church of England’s Lent resources, which can help your personal reflections, are available by scrolling down this page.

See below for details of the special Lent Courses, music concerts, services and other events taking place across our diocese to mark Lent and Holy Week 2025.

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More events

Bishop’s Lent Appeal

Each year our bishop invites churchgoers and members of our communities to donate towards good causes during Lent. This year he has chosen two global charities and one local charity.

The global charities are USPG and Tearfund. The local charity is Vista, based at Harbour Church, Portsmouth.

National C of E Lent resources

This Lent we are encouraged to put down deep roots of hope by connecting with God who is with us at all times

The Church of England’s Lent theme for 2025 is Living Hope.

In Lent we journey with Jesus on the difficult and thorny road that leads all the way to the cross on Good Friday – and beyond, to the transformation of Easter Day.

God invites us to bring to him our own journey through everyday life. In the disappointment of daily setbacks and the pain of deeper hurts, we discover that God is present with us. And God promises a future where all things are healed and made new.

Living Hope offers us the opportunity to deepen our hope in God and be part of what God is doing to bring hope in the world.

The readings and reflections explore how we can have hope in times of frustration or uncertainty; the hope found in joining with others; the invitation to notice signs of hope around us; the courage to face reality and pursue a hopeful future; and the ways God transforms death into life at Easter.

The reflections have been written by Cathrine Fungai Ngangira and Belle Tindall – both contributors to Wild Bright Hope: The Big Church Read Lent Book 2025 (SPCK) – together with Victoria Mason, Everyday Faith Editor for the Church of England.


Wild Bright Hope

Wild Bright Hope

A Lent Journey with the Big Church Read

Wild Bright Hope is a transformative Lent book, bringing together 12 dynamic voices, each contributing a unique chapter on the power of hope.

Each chapter is paired with a video from its author, offering deeper insight and creating an engaging, interactive experience. Themes include Seeds of Unity, Wild Paths of Peace, A Vision for Hope in Politics, and Hope in Suffering. These chapters inspire readers to face challenges with fresh perspective and active faith.

Through stories, reflections, and bold ideas, Wild Bright Hope not only encourages a hopeful outlook but also invites readers to play their part in bringing God’s kingdom to life.

Available here.

Living Hope: 40 daily reflections for adultsLiving Hope: 40 daily reflections for adults

Living Hope invites you to explore the hope God offers us – not wishful thinking, but something real, robust, alive. Each day the reflections consider the idea of hope from a different angle as we journey with Jesus on the road that leads to the cross – and beyond, to the transforming hope of Easter Day.

  • The booklet for adults offers daily Bible readings, pictures, short reflections, prayers and practical ideas to help you grow in hope and in faith during Lent. 

Available as single copies, packs of 10 and packs of 50 from Church House Publishing.

Living Hope: 40 daily reflections for childrenLiving Hope: 40 daily reflections for children

Living Hope invites you to explore the hope God offers us – not wishful thinking, but something real, robust, alive. Each day the reflections consider the idea of hope from a different angle as we journey with Jesus on the road that leads to the cross – and beyond, to the transforming hope of Easter Day.

  • The booklet for children offers daily challenges to do, learn or think about something on the theme of hope. There are also weekly prayers and short Bible readings.

Available as single copies, packs of 10 and packs of 50 from Church House Publishing.



Lent and Easter for Everyone

Lent and Easter for Everyone, Tom Wright

Tom Wright

Packed with vivid insights into the Gospels and New Testament writings, Lent and Easter for Everyone is full of stimulating questions for both personal reflection and group discussions. A fresh devotional resource both for fans of the Everyone commentaries and for all who have not yet discovered them.

Available from St Andrew’s Bookshop.

Loving My Neighbour: A Lenten Journey

Loving My Neighbour: A Lenten Journey

Edited by Olivia Warburton

Daily Bible readings and reflections from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day explore how we can love in truth, love the vulnerable and the suffering, embrace difference, care for our world, and love ourselves as God loves us. Holy Week brings us back to reflect on Christ on the cross, who loved us to the very end.

Available from St Andrew’s Bookshop.

Big Church Read: Lent resources

The Big Church Read website has posted three resource videos for use with Lent study groups who are using the books And Yet by Rachael Newham, Embracing Justice by Isabelle Hamley, and Living His Story by Hannah Steele. Click here to watch.

St Andrew’s online bookshop have a number of discounted Lent books and study guides available, and offer discounts on bulk purchases – click here.


Archbishop Stephen Cottrell

In the Gospel of Mark’s account of the Passion narrative, Jesus calls out from the cross ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ – the first line of Psalm 22. It’s an anguished expression – traditionally ascribed to King David – of defeat, failure, abandonment and despair. Join the Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell, as he ponders the significance of these words. What does it mean for Jesus to have quoted them, at the very end of his life? What do those words mean for us? This is a beautiful and compelling exploration of the dark, suffering side of the Passion – and how Jesus’ words lead us to the greatest hope of all.

RRP £14.99 – click here to find out more.

Living Stones, Living Hope

USPG have released a 5-week study for Lent called Living Stones, Living Hope, exploring contextual theology from five different cultures. There’s a series of webinars and a downloadable PDF course guide, available here. They have also produced a number of liturgical resources for use in a variety of services, including all-age.

#LiveLent: Embracing Justice

Live Lent: Embracing Justice

Paperback, £1.99, Church House Publishing

Live Lent: Embracing Justice is the Church of England’s theme for Lent 2022. It invites us to examine our own lives truthfully, to see the world more deeply and to pray – for the church and the world far and near – that ‘justice may roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream’ (Amos 4.24).

For each day of Lent, this booklet for adults offers a daily Bible reading, a short reflection and a prayer, as well as a practical challenge. Each week follows a different thread through the many stories of justice in the Bible to explore how God works with humanity to bring justice, wholeness and salvation to all.

You can order single copies here or packs of 10 here.

#LiveLent: Embracing Justice, families edition

Live Lent: Embracing Justice (for kids)

Paperback, £1.50, Church House Publishing

This Lent booklet for children provides a fun daily action to help children and their families explore how we can live well together, as well as a weekly reading and prayer.

Each week follows a different thread through the many stories of justice in the Bible to explore how God brings justice, wholeness and salvation to all.

You can order single copies here, packs of 10 here, or packs of 50 here.


Resources from previous years

Thy Will Be DoneThy Will Be Done

Stephen Cherry

Thy Will be Done, by Stephen Cherry (of King’s College Cambridge, whose voice we hear every year at the annual Carol Service) is the latest of many books on the Lord’s Prayer that, more than any other prayer or thing, holds us together as individuals in the church. This is a good new opportunity to deepen our understanding of very familiar words – 57 of them in the Greek – and the book will help to simplify our prayer and devotion.

A Cross In The Heart Of GodA Cross In The Heart Of God

Sam Wells

A Cross in the Heart of God: Reflections on the death of Jesus is by the well-known broadcaster and vicar, Sam Wells. This is a typically thoughtful book, with a study guide too, from a priest who is able to be challenging and provoking as well as consoling and reassuring. Head on he doesn’t avoid the different understandings of Christ’s crucifixion and enables us to discover them as, indeed, God’s wondrous love.