King Lear and the life of faith

- Wednesday 26th March
- 10am to 4pm
- Sarum College, Salisbury
- When booking, choose the Portsmouth CMD option
“This great stage of fools”: King Lear and the life of faith course
It has been said that Shakespeare’s play King Lear is a play of “a thousand ideas”.
Are any of these ideas resonant with Christian belief and the spiritual life? Is the play just bleak and harsh, or is there a redemptive richness to it?
We will study the play’s text and explore the question as to whether, in some senses, King Lear is a Christian play.
Reading or watching the play before the course is advised to give participants a richer experience.
About the tutor
Dr Mark Oakley is Dean of Southwark and the author of several books on the area of poetry and Christian spirituality. He was awarded the Michael Ramsey Prize for theological writing and was recently awarded the Lanfranc Award for education and scholarship by the Archbishop of Canterbury. He is a visiting scholar at Sarum College.
Upcoming Events
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King Lear and the life of faith
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