School Projects

TriWonder - 2024-2025 School Project

Every year our education team creates a project for C of E schools in Portsmouth and Winchester diocese to engage with, on a specific theme. This theme is then reflected in the annual Leavers' Services that take place in both cathedrals in July each year, when we say farewell to those who are leaving C of E primary schools. 

In previous years, these themes have included a focus on Jesus as the Good Shepherd, which involved pupils decorating life-size fibreglass sheep; on our heroes, which involved pupils creating special chairs for their heroes to sit on; and on the African concept of 'Ubuntu' which binds communities together; and more recently, Gamechangers, exploring how we can make a difference to the world.

For 2024-25, the theme is 'TriWonder' which links a number of curricular, extra-curricular, personal and spiritual education areas that we know will connect with children and adults, schools and their communities: creation care, outdoor learning and emotional well-being. You can download this material below:

TriWonder Booklet

These resources may also be useful for children's work in parishes. Click on each image (above) to download the PDF or Zip file of the resources.

Previous school projects

The material for previous projects created by our diocese's education team can be found and downloaded below. They may be useful in both schools and churches:

Gamechangers Project:

Gamechangers Celebration Booklet 2024

Gamechangers Sculpture Installation

Download the project booklets and resources for EYFS to KS3 here:

EYFS and Key Stage 1 Primary & Secondary

Everyday Ubuntu - 2022-2023 School Project

'Everyday Ubuntu' is the African value of binding together a community by acting in partnership. It was the focus for our schools in 2023-23, culminating in a Leavers' Service that featured African drumming in July 2023, which you can read about here. You can download the celebration booklet here.

Download the project booklets and resources for early years to Key Stage 3 (four to 11-year-olds) here:

Everyday Ubuntu

All Are Welcome 2022

6 units of resources:

All Are Welcome | NEA

Celebration Booklet

TenTen Celebration Booklet

EYFS TenTen booklet

TenTen EYFS Booklet

EYFS TenTen booklet

Irises of Hope - 2021

Bee Inspired Ideas

Ewe Matter

Ewe Matter

Standing Together

An Angel Just like Me

TenTen KS1+2 Booklet

TenTen KS3 Booklet

Ten:Ten#Flourishing Additional Resources

Cathedral art installation guidance document

The Great Kapok Tree Reflection Resources: Reflection 1; Reflection 2; Reflection 3

Bee Inspired Celebration


Working Together to protect God’s World and to serve the Common Good. Download our stewardship booklet here.

Charity Chair Heroes