Guided Reflections for Collective Worship
For the guided reflections below, there are guidance notes, together with an accompanying image or presentation to download. Scroll down to fin our latest resources for the academic year 2023-2024. Previous year's resources are further down the page.
Old Testament Bible stories - linked values
Resource bundles for academic year 2023-2024
Autumn 1 2023 - Respect
Autumn 1 2022 - Community
School Worship: Presentation; notes
EYFS Reflection 1: Presentation; notes
EYFS Reflection 2: Presentation; notes
KS1 Reflection 1: Presentation; notes
Spring 2 2022 - Justice
School Worship: notes; presentation
EYFS Reflection: notes; presentation
KS1 Reflection 1: notes; presentation
Spring 1 2022 - Peace
School Worship: notes; presentation
EYFS Reflection 1: notes; presentation
EYFS Reflection 2: notes; presentation
KS 1 Reflection 1: notes; presentation
Autumn 2 2021 - Love
School Worship: notes; presentation
EYFS Reflection 1 EYFS Reflection 2
Sheep template for EYFS Reflection 2
KS1 Reflection 1: notes; presentation
Autumn 1 2021 - Hope
School Worship: notes; presentation
EYFS Reflection 1 EYFS Reflection 2
KS1 Reflection 1: notes; presentation
Values and Concepts
Faith: notes; faith image
Gratitude: notes; gratitude image
Judgement: notes; judgement image
Compassion: notes; compassion image
Forgiveness(i): notes; presentation
Forgiveness(ii): notes; presentation
Forgiveness(iii): presentation
Hope: presentation
Autumn 1 2023 - Respect
Autumn 1 2022 - Community Contd
KS1 Reflection 2: Presentation; notes
KS2 Reflection 1: Presentation; notes
KS2 Reflection 2: Presentation; notes
Summer 1 2022 - Grace contd.
KS1 Reflection 2: presentation; notes
KS2 Reflection 1: presentation; notes
KS2 Reflection 2: presentation; notes
Spring 2 2022 - Justice contd.
KS1 Reflection 2: notes; presentation
KS2 Reflection 1: notes; presentation
KS2 Reflection 2: notes; presentation
Spring 1 2022 - Peace contd.
KS 1 Reflection 2: notes; presentation
KS 2 Reflection 1: notes; presentation
KS 2 Reflection 2: notes; presentation
KS 3 Reflection: notes; presentation
KS1 Reflection 2: notes; presentation
Following Jesus' Footsteps resource
KS2 Reflection 1: notes; presentation
KS2 Reflection 2: notes; presentation
KS1 Reflection 2: notes; presentation
KS2 Reflection 1: notes; presentation
KS2 Reflection 2: notes; presentation
Choices: notes; presentation
Creation: notes; presentation
Friendship: notes; presentation
Trusting God: notes; presentation
Uniqueness: notes; presentation
Emotions: notes; presentation
Kindness: notes; presentation
Our actions
Attitude to others: notes; presentation
Speaking Kindly: notes; presentation
Celebrating Difference: presentation
Resource bundles for academic year 2022-2023
Resource overview for 2022-2023
Resource bundles for academic year 2021-2022
Resource overview for 2021-2022
Resources support 2021-2022 project, TenTen#Flourishing:
The Tin Forest: Reflection 1; Reflection 2; Reflection 3
The Great Kapok Tree Reflection Resources: Reflection 1; Reflection 2; Reflection 3
Christmas: An Angel Just Like Me: Booklet; Collective Worship
The Holy Trinity
Collective Worship - Difference and Unity - presentation; notes
Upper Key Stage 2 Reflection Teaching ideas - The Trinity
Daily Reflections
Each of these themed resources contain 5 reflections for Monday to Friday:
Reflections based on books
'Beegu' - friendship and loneliness: notes; presentation
'Be Kind' - kindness: notes; presentation
'Grumpy Monkey' - handling emotions: notes; presentation
'Giraffes Can't Dance' - difference is a positive thing: notes; presentation
'Silly Billy' - coping with worries: notes; presentation
'Sulwe' - self-worth and valuing difference: notes; presentation
'The Day the Crayons Quit' - community: notes; presentation
'The Dot' - encouragement: notes; presentation
'The Thing Lou Couldn't Do' - perseverance: notes; presentation
'Voices in the Park' - community, hope, friendship: notes; presentation