CMD Training Courses

Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD)

As part of the REVIVE strand of our diocese’s strategy, we’re seeking to reawaken a locally-based programme of Continuing Ministerial Development courses. Recently, such courses have been offered online via Sarum College (see the details below), but we hope to organise some in-person training days and some locally-organised webinars.

Bishop’s Study Days:

  • Monday 10 March 2025 (10am to 3pm): Portsmouth Cathedral
    Led by recently-appointed Canon Theologian Duncan Dormer, from USPG. Read a report about this event here.
  • Monday 29 September 2025 (10am to 3pm): Portsmouth Cathedral
    Led by recently-appointed Canon Theologian Sharon Prentis. Details here.


We will be hosting monthly webinars on various topics, with the opportunity for questions as part of the session. Click here to find out more.

This list will be updated regularly as new webinars are organised.

  • Conflict Resolution
    Tuesday 6th May, 12pm to 1pm
    John Swindell, from Portsmouth Mediation Service, will examine the issues of conflict resolution and reconciliation in a parish context.

CMD training courses

Meanwhile, there are a series of CMD training courses being offered to clergy and lay ministers in our diocese via  Sarum College. Details below:

Play based on life of Henri Nouwen

As part of our Continuing Ministerial Development programme, clergy, licensed ministers and others are invited to a play based on the life of Henri Nouwen, a theologian and academic. The play is called 'The Beloved Son', was written by Murray Watts who was also the scriptwriter for The Miracle Maker, and is being performed by acclaimed actor Andrew Harrison. It takes place at two locations, one on the mainland and one on the island:

  • Saturday 17 May (7pm): The Beloved Son
    St Mary's Church, Fratton Road, Fratton, Portsmouth. Tickets: £5. Book here.
  • Sunday 18 May (2.30pm): The Beloved Son
    Newport Minster, St Thomas's Square, Newport, Isle of Wight. Tickets: £5. Book here.

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