Information for Clergy

We’ve collected some information here that we think will be helpful for clergy, but it’s not an exhaustive list.

The Clergy Handbook (immediately below) is the most important document, especially for clergy who are new to our diocese. This is regularly updated, so advice in its pages should be correct.

If you notice anything on these pages that needs updating, do let us know here.

Handbook and Supporting Documents

Continuing Ministerial Development

As part of the REVIVE strand of our diocese’s strategy, we’re seeking to reawaken a locally-based programme of Continuing Ministerial Development courses. This includes Bishop's Study Days, other in-person training courses, and monthly webinars. Find out more on

Transitioning in ministry

If you are considering a change in your ministry, there are a number of courses available to help walk you through the process. Click here for details.

Clergy wellbeing

The care of clergy and their families is important for many reasons. Exhausted and burnt-out clergy are unlikely to be effective ambassadors for the gospel, and neither does it showcase the role of the Church as an effective employer. Providing spiritual, pastoral and practical support for our clergy can make a massive difference, as they attempt to support others. Here are some places where clergy can find spiritual, pastoral and financial support:

Spiritual and vocational support:

  • The London Centre for Spiritual Direction offers resources and support for those interested in Christian spiritual direction.
  • The Retreat Association is a national Christian organisation set up to help people find ways of exploring and deepening their journey with God through spirituality and prayer.
  • The Sheldon Hub is for clergy, ordinands and others in ministry, offering a supportive online community and a bank of trustworthy advice.

Physical and mental wellbeing:

  • St Luke’s supports the physical and mental health of Anglican clergy and ordinands.
  • The Society of Mary and Martha at Sheldon is a community and retreat house specialising in supporting people in Christian ministry.
  • Mindful Employer provides guidance and signposting for individuals to maintain their own wellbeing and where to go when in need of extra support.
  • Thyme and Wellbeing is an Excel-based tool to help clergy with time management. It allows recording of time spent on different kind of activities to assess the shape of an individual’s ministry.


  • Bridge Builders provides training and shares resources and ideas to support church leaders and congregations in the task of living as models of reconciliation.
  • Broken Rites supports clergy spouses and partners who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships, including one-to-one support, groups meetings and an online community.
  • There are various Facebook groups to support clergy, including Clergy Mummies, Clergy Spice (for spouses of clergy), Clergy Family Network, Curates in Training, Female Ordinands and Clergy, and UKME Ordinands and Curates.

Financial wellbeing:

  • The Clergy Support Trust aims to promote and sustain the wellbeing of Anglican clergy and their dependents. It provides financial grants to households experiencing hardship or other needs. Those eligible include clergy, ordinands and their spouses, former spouses, children and dependents of living or deceased members of former members of clergy.
  • The Cleaver Ordination Candidates Fund supports Anglican ordinands committed to a traditional Catholic understanding of the priesthood, and offers grants to candidates exploring the priesthood.
  • The Church of England Pensions Board has a section on the C of E website about how clergy pensions work and where to find further advice.
  • The English Clergy Association provides holiday grants to give clergy and their families a rest from duty.
  • The Henry Smith Charity has a programme of grants to assist ordained clergy serving in parochial ministry, administered by diocesan bishops. It also has a Christian projects grant programme.
  • Churches Mutual Credit Union is a co-operative and mutual society owned and run by its members, open to all clergy and ordinands in the Church of England. It has a range of affordable and ethical savings and loan products designed with clergy in mind.
  • The Foundation of Edward Storey can provide help, grants and accommodation or offer a number of services to those closely connected with the clergy of the Church of England.
  • The website of the Ordinands’ Association lists several funds that can help ordinands in financial need.

Participation wellbeing

Parochial fees


  • Supported housing
    The nearest Supported Housing scheme is Manormead, in Hindhead, Surrey. If you would be interested in viewing any of their flats, or would like any further details, please contact the Manager, Peter Hilling, on 01428 601500 or by email.