Police Chaplaincy
Police Chaplaincy UK is the national body for chaplains to the UK both volunteer and paid, working to promote the professional standing of chaplaincy and to support their members.
The purpose of chaplaincy within the police service is to provide appropriate pastoral care and encourage and support the spiritual dimension of those called to a challenging, stressful and, at times, dehumanising role. Chaplaincy achieves this purpose by becoming embedded within the service and by listening to individuals and groups, watching for their needs and providing for each and every one irrespective of gender, age, sexuality, ability, race, belief, or any other manifestation of difference.
The purpose of chaplaincy within the police service is summarised as providing:
- Personal, practical and spiritual care to all police officers, police staff and their families;
- Operational support to the police service by providing a resource where faith and operational issues interact, and facilitating and developing links between communities and the police;
- A response to major and critical incidents by supporting emergency services personnel and assisting community recovery.
At a time when UK society seems increasingly dominated by secular habits and assumptions, and when religious attendance and affiliation seem to be in decline, there are more and more stories of chaplaincy spreading into new settings, and the police is no different.
With over 400 chaplains serving the UK police forces now more than ever chaplains are needed and wanted in our police forces. Chaplains offer a ‘ministry of presence’ – a trusted ear (and sometimes a shoulder to cry on) to all in the policing family and to people of all faiths and none.
Chaplain for Hampshire Constabulary
Lead Chaplain for Hampshire Constabulary is:
- Rev Dominic Jones, email. Dominic is based in Hamble. He is also chair of the Police Chaplaincy UK.