St Faith's Church, PO12 3NS

St Faith's Church, Alverstoke: St Mary
Tribe Road, Leesland, GOSPORT, PO12 3NS

A small Church in the heart of the community. St. Faith's is committed to serving Leesland and the surrounding areas. "St. Faith's Hub" is open to all people of any faith or none. We hold a monthly food and clothing bank offering hot food/drinks, support, friendship and craft activities for children. Chill and Chat meets every Thursday evening for adults to enjoy chat, optional crafts and board games.  

Visit the website


  • Chatting Faith Breakfast Church

    What to Expect:
    A fun (non-bible) children's story with positive themes
    Interactive chat with simple questions to get us all talking
    A delicious breakfast
    A craft activity
    A short, simple prayer to wrap up the morning

    Every 4th Sunday at 10 a.m. for 75 minutes

    Family friendly, Sunday school, Allages, Church, Hall, Communityevent, Space, Parentstoddlers, Book_Club




  • St Faith's Hub Food and Clothing Bank

    All are welcome. Entry £1 per family.
    Receive a small bag of food and item(s) of children's clothing. Hot drinks, light snack meal and craft/colouring for children.
    Donations of children's clothes and non-perishable food ite
    Please contact Kate for more info.

    Every 3rd Wednesday at 3 p.m. for 120 minutes

    Family friendly, Allages, Church, Hall, Communityevent, Socialaction, Warm_Space, Moneyadvice


  • Holy Communion/Morning Praise

    Common Worship said Eucharist 1st and 3rd Thursday
    Said Morning Praise 2nd, 4th and 5th Thursday

    Every Thursday at 10 a.m. for 60 minutes

    Family friendly, Common worship, Coffee, Church

  • Chill and Chat @ St. Faith's

    Craft activity or board games with refreshments. £2 all inclusive.
    Food bags available at £1
    St Faith's Church Tribe Road Gosport PO12 3NS 7pm to 9pm
    Catch E1 bus to Pelham Road and a short walk up Harcourt Road.
    Parking at Norman Road Carpark or limited on street parking.
    All welcome.

    Every Thursday at 7 p.m. for 120 minutes

    Church, Hall, Communityevent, Space, Socialaction, Warm_Space

