Holy Trinity Church Gosport, PO12 1HL
Holy Trinity is a Church of England church in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. Our worship centres around the Eucharist, making use of all of our senses with ritual, symbol, incense and music. There is no dress code, obligations or expectations - you are invited to take part in as much or little as you feel comfortable. You can be assured of a warm welcome.
Sung Mass
Our main weekly service: an hour-long celebration of the Eucharist ‘in the round’, with bells, incense and hymns. Refreshments are served upstairs after the service.
Stations of the Resurrection
He is Risen indeed! Alleluia! We pilgrimage around the church on the Way of Light, pausing for prayer and meditation as we recall Christ's resurrection appearances.
A 40-minute quiet, reflective service centred around Christ’s presence in the Eucharist, with a short meditative reading of scripture and blessing with the Sacrament.
Compline (Night prayer)
A 20-minute service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day, with the reading of psalms and prayers of thanksgiving.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross is an ancient service in which we re-enact Christ's journey to his death by walking through the church, pausing at points for prayer and meditation on the events of the Crucifixion.
Lent Course
Our mid-week Lent course this year will follow the Church of England’s theme, ‘Living Hope’. The course encourages us to put down deep roots of hope by connecting with God who is with us at all times.
The course will take place at the church every Wednesday during Lent, from 3 to 4pm, beginning on Wednesday 12 March.
Sessions will take the form of led reflections, group discussions, and sharing experiences relating to the Lent Course (no video lectures!). All are welcome.