St Andrew's Church, PO11 9QE
St Andrew’s is a lively, friendly modern church with an informal atmosphere based in South East Hayling Island near Eastoke Corner on Southwood Road, PO11 9QD. Everyone is welcome.
Bread Church
Join us at Bread Church on the first Sunday of every month, from 10.30am, at St. Andrew’s Church, Southwood Road. All are welcome to come along and join in with the bread making.
Iona-style Communion or (lay-led) Service of the Word
In alternate months, an Iona-style communion service or a non-Eucharistic Service
ST Andrew's Church Sunday Service
Holy Communion
Service of Compline - online
A quiet said service, normally with a short period for silent reflection and with recorded Taize or similar music. This is uploaded every other Tuesday. Please visit the link to the Hayling Anglicans Facebook Page.
Toddler Praise - term time
Come along and ring the bell, sing, and play.
Film, Tea and Cake for the Over Sixties
Join us for afternoon tea and a film. Every third Saturday of the month, (except in May) from 1.30pm at St Andrew’s Church, Southwood Road. All are welcome.