St Helen, PO34 5EF

St Helen, St Helens: St Helen
Eddington Road St Helens, PO34 5EF
Isle Of Wight

Newly refurbished interior (enabling versatile use of church building); extensive churchyard and labyrinth; tranquil rural setting.St Catherine’s Chapel in village, used for services and private prayer.Strong community engagement, including working with Parish Council on projects to enhance the village - e.g. tree planting, ‘village volunteers’.‘What’s On’ magazine widely read in the community.Friends of St Helen’s Church.Eco Church Gold Award (one of the first in the country); an established Eco Church Group (including people from outside the church) and mission.Committed and fiercely loyal older congregation. Good sense of ‘Village ownership’, with many having relatives buried in the cemetery.

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  • Sung Eucharist 9.30am, 2nd and 4th Sundays

    A Sung Eucharist service with traditional hymns. We are a mainstream, inclusive Anglican church, and all are welcome to worship with us. Do stay for coffee afterwards.

    Every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for 60 minutes

    Fifth Sunday may be at this church, St Mary's Brading, or St Peter's Seaview

    Common worship, Coffee, Communion, Hymnsevent, Organ

  • Eco Church

    An informal monthly gathering focusing on care of God's Creation. We begin with prayers and reflections and then have an eco- activity. This might be working in the churchyard, pond dipping, butterfly hunting, making and siting bird boxes, or enjoying a visiting speaker. We also engage in national campaigns and local village projects.
    We always finish with a bring and share supper of soup, cheese, bread and cake- using local, animal-friendly, organic or fairly-traded ingredients!
    You are very welcome to join us on the fourth Sunday of the month from 3.30pm.

    Every 4th Sunday at 3:30 p.m. for 150 minutes

    Coffee, Allages, Church, Prayers, Freshexpression, Meal, Event_held_outside, Green_activity

  • Eco Church Gathering

    A monthly gathering in St Helen's church and churchyard.

    We begin with prayers and readings on an an environmental theme, sometimes outdoors and at the labyrinth.

    In the warmer weather we take part in wildlife surveys, pond and labyrinth maintenance and other wildlife management activities. In the winter months we stay in the church, invite speakers on environmental themes, and take part in eco-craft activities.

    We always finish our gathering with a bring and share meal which we have in the church.

    All are welcome.

    Every 4th Sunday at 3:30 p.m. for 150 minutes

    Coffee, Church, Prayers, Green, Meal







Full name
St Helen
Isle Of Wight

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