School closures on the Isle of Wight

Our diocese has challenged plans drawn up by the Isle of Wight Council to deal with an issue of surplus places by closing five schools. Three of the schools initially identified for closure in September 2024 were Church of England schools - Oakfield CofE Primary in RydeBrading Cof EPrimary and Arreton St George's CofE Primary.

Church of England schools are, of course, not 'faith' schools, but exist to serve their local communities, welcoming children of all faiths and none - with an ethos and distinctiveness rooted in Christian values. They are inclusive schools and valued by the communities they serve, as explained in the Church of England’s vision for education: ‘Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good’.

Our diocese recognises the challenge of surplus places, and didn't oppose these plans merely because these schools are CofE schools. But we maintained that the rationale for closing these three schools was not wholly clear or transparent. We submitted formal responses to the Isle of Wight Council in Autumn 2024 and at the start of 2025, asking for a pause in the process - they can all be read below. We also indicated that we may pursue legal action if the closures went ahead. 

In March 2025, the Isle of Wight Council's Cabinet voted to close Arreton St George's C of E Primary, but not to close Oakfield CofE Primary or Brading CofE Primary. They also voted to close Cowes Primary School, but not to close Wroxall Primary School. Our statement is as follows:

Jeff Williams, director of education for the Church of England’s Diocese of Portsmouth said: “The decision by the Isle of Wight Council’s Cabinet demonstrated that councillors have listened to our repeated concerns, as well as concerns expressed by the Isle of Wight Council’s Scrutiny Committee, and the indicative vote of the whole Isle of Wight Council.

“We are therefore pleased that the proposed closure of Oakfield and Brading CofE Primary Schools, and Wroxall Primary School have been rejected by the Cabinet. We remain concerned regarding the process that led to the decision to close Arreton St George’s CofE Primary School and Cowes Primary School. We are therefore taking legal advice and will continue to consider all options as advised.”