Our rejuvenating strategy: 

Clergy and lay leaders from the Western Wards of Fareham already meet regularly for prayer and mutual support

We want the faith of all in spiritual leadership in our diocese to be vibrant, growing, deep, and attractive. If we ourselves do not experience the dynamic of a personal relationship with God through Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit, then we have very little to say to a world in need. 

To support them towards inspired leadership for mission, we want our clergy and lay leaders to rediscover the importance of sharing ministry life together. We’ll invite clergy and lay leaders to form Benedictine-style networks which we are calling Cairns

These Cairns may be formed within a single substantial parish, or across many benefices. They would develop for themselves a clear sense of missional purpose; and meet together about once a month: to eat together, pray together and study together using materials such as Divine Renovation, a study guide by Father James Mallon which aims to make each parish an effective outpost for the gospel. 

They would hope to see a deepening of personal faith, mutually encouraging ministry, a sense of solidarity, and a stronger experience of well-being; and so be in the best position to develop well-thought through strategies and plans for growth for each parish. 

We’ll start with nine REVIVE pilot networks, and then expand to cover 40 per cent of our parishes.